Made for a Better Environment - The Unico System
If you’re building a custom home, The Unico System is the primary choice for your energy-efficient heating and cooling needs. Visionary builders and savvy homeowners who want the very best in green, energy-saving technology are requesting The Unico System for their state-of-the-art, forward-thinking home designs. Here’s why:
Low Leakage Standards
Traditional duct HVAC systems suffer from air leakage of between 15 – 20%. When a traditional system has that amount of leakage, that means your cost of operation increases because your system is constantly trying to catch up to the warm or cool air being lost. When installed properly with joints sealed during installation, The Unico System meets or exceeds the parameters set forth for Low Leakage Standard specifications. That means all the air— and comfort—your system is generating is being delivered to warm or cool your home and not being lost to the environment.
Thermal Loss—Multiple R-value Options
The small diameter of our plenum and flexible ductwork ensures that thermal losses are smaller than traditional ductwork, which has a much larger surface area. This means that the larger the ductwork, the more chance air has to come in contact with it, meaning more heat loss. In addition, we offer our ductwork in multiple R-values to save customers money and comply with the various code requirements across the US.
Compatible With Inverter Technology
Inverter technology is an energy-saving technology that eliminates wasted operation in air conditioners by efficiently controlling motor speed. The Unico System is compatible with inverter technology, meaning your system only uses the energy required to deliver the heating or cooling you need on demand while optimizing energy-efficiency. For example, on a mild day, you may only need a portion of your system’s total capacity to make you comfortable. A traditional system is not able to control motor speed, which means more energy is used.
Fit, Form, and Finish
Our products fit into a tighter space and seamlessly integrate with energy-efficient construction. They bring the highest level of insulation and air filtration, while using the most efficient inverters on the market today. End-users experience greater even room temperatures, lower humidity, and a draftfree operation. The Unico System has achieved accolades and recommendations from designers and installers for its design flexibility and overall efficiency.
Compatible With High-Efficiency Homes
The Unico System is repeatedly used in homes and projects where energy-efficient classifications, like Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Home Energy Rating System (HERS) and Net Zero, are called upon to meet. Several of our US government historical homes and projects on the national registry recognize this product’s unique efficiency by selecting it as the product choice for its prestigious DOE Challenge Homes.