The Unico System
There are many features and benefits to the Unico System, but here are a few.
Fits Any Space
All across the country home owners are enjoying the high performance and superior comfort of the Unico System. No matter when the house or building was built or what the physical configuration, installing the Unico System is always a possibility—without compromising the design or architectural integrity.
The Unico System uses less than one-third of the space in the built environment than a traditional system. It can deliver up to 9 tons of air conditioning in the same space as a 3-ton traditional unit.
The aesthetics of your home are maintained with the Unico System – walls are not marred by metal registers that streak or stain. Small, subtle outlets are available in round 5” outer diameter or slotted ½” x 8” versions, each blending perfectly into your design.
Quiet Performance
The air from our system is delivered quietly and seamlessly. The supply tubing is designed to be as efficient as possible and also to minimize sound which brings decibels levels to the equivalent of a soft whisper. This is due to the nylon inner core and also the insulation, which absorb the sound created from the air.
The air handler is also designed to isolate noise and vibration. Each module, including the blower and coil, of our system is insulated with closed cell, sound deadening insulation which ensures that the unit remains quiet. While you'll feel the comfort our system provides, you'll never notice it's running.
Little or No Remodeling
The Unico System fits where other conventional cooling and heating systems can't - with little or no remodeling required! The modular air handlers and coils can be easily installed into attics, ceilings, crawlspaces, and closets.
The flexible small ducts can be routed through existing ceiling, floor or wall cavities – eliminating the need for unsightly and noisy metal ductwork!
Because of all our design features, there is no need to “gut” the home for installation. The process is less disruptive, there’s less mess, less dust, and less installation time. Without the installation requirements of a traditional heating and cooling system, the Unico System saves time and money on your construction.
Draft Free, Even Temperatures
Traditional systems "dump" the air into the room which causes drafts and uneven temperatures throughout different parts of the room (as seen above). Through an air principle called aspiration, the Unico System air enters a room (pictured above) and creates a gentle suction around itself that draws the room air into its stream of air. Aspiration creates an even, draft free environment. This has the net affect of lowering the effective room temperature by 2 to 3 degrees. From room to room, floor to floor, and floor to ceiling, the temperature differential is no greater than 2 degrees from where you set the thermostat.
This illustration shows the Unico System with a slightly higher room temperature but even temperatures.
Removes 30% More Humidity
The Unico System provides greater humidity removal, up to 30%, with the superior and efficient design of our cooling coils, creating a perfectly comfortable environment. What this means for you is that you can have your thermostat set higher than you typically would, yet have the conditioned space feel as though your thermostat is set lower, saving you energy and money. The illustration to the right shows the amount of moisture left in the space by traditional units compared to the Unico System.
Matches Any Decor
The Unico System offers you a huge selection in outlet choices. Our outlets come round or slotted, and are designed to fit any décor or home architecture without compromise.
They can also be painted or stained to exactly match the interior design. The Unico System outlets can be installed in ceilings, floors, or sidewalls. In fact, with their less invasive size and complementary colors and woods, you will hardly notice they are in the room. What you will notice is the perfect indoor comfort they provide.
You always hear about SEER and a HVAC unit's efficiency, but did you ever think about ductwork having its own efficiency?
Heat can leak through the walls of the duct (thermal loss) and air can leak through its seams (duct leakage). In both cases, the Unico System is far superior to a conventional system. Insulation and size determine the thermal loss. Workmanship and design determine the duct leakage.
The Unico System ductwork has 1/3 the surface area of conventional ducting so before it is even installed the Unico System ductwork has 1/3 less thermal loss. The supply tubing is also wrapped with insulation and an outer vapor barrier, which keeps nearly all of the thermal energy within the duct.
In the case of duct leakage, the Unico SDHV system is engineered for simplicity and air tightness. It has been documented through third-party testing that traditional systems can lose up to 25% of the air that the unit puts out through leaky ductwork. The Unico System loses less than 5%. This means that with the Unico System you're getting what you pay for.
Source: https://www.unicosystem.com/advantages/